Emma Tvinnereim




I am a UX-Designer based in Oslo. I achieved both my master’s and bachelor’s degree at University of Oslo, and graduated in June 2024. In my master thesis I wrote about web sustainability, and researched how to conduct and implement sustainable UX-Design practices in design processes. This is something I am still passionate about.

Through my bachelor's and master’s, I learned how to design user-friendly systems by doing data collection, analysis, prototyping, and evaluation. In addition, I have been introduced to several programming languages like Python, Java, and Kotlin. Even though I learned a lot at university, I felt that I was missing knowledge about frontend development. Therefore, I started developing this website to gain more frontend skills. It is an ongoing side project and may not always be presentable 😉

Icon 1 Internet's environmental impact

Internet emits 4% of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), which is similar to the emissions of the aviation industry. According to Freitag et al. (2021) 70% of the emission comes from the user phase. Therefore our internet habits might not be as clean as we think. Even though it is easy to think of internet as something “up in the cloud”, it is in fact on land in physical buildings that demand a large amount of energy, contributing to e-waste and pollution (McGovern, 2020).

Icon 2 Design could have an impact

The greenhouse gas emissions of ICT are predicted to keep increasing (Freitag et al., 2021). Changes in our personal online behaviour could make a difference by spending less time online, and supporting actors that develop with sustainability in mind. There is also a need for change within the industry. In fact there are several choices one can make to reduce the carbon emissions of a website for both development and design. This website is designed to be with sustainability in mind.

Icon 3 How is this website green?

By prioritising energy efficient colours, fonts and layout, this website has been designed to reduce it’s carbon emissions. Pictures and text content is designed to demand minimal energy as possible, by only including the essential information needed. Pictures have been dithered and compressed to reduce their size. With this I hope that this website enables a more sustainable online experience! Although, the site has been improved, there is still a way to go to reach its full potential.

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