
I have always had a desire to learn and acquire new knowledge. During my exchange semester in Amsterdam, I took a four-week intensive course in web development, Therefore I decided to try making my own website. I wanted to put the theory into practice, and I needed a portfolio, so I ended up developing my own personal website.

Through this project, I have learned new programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and the program visual Studio Code. What I like about this project is that I build on it for as long as I want. At the same time, it is a real use for the website, which makes it extra fun and motivating. It will be something I will work on during my free time.

I have continually worked on my website, which has resulted in the new design. I wanted the website to reflect me and felt that the first version didn’t do that. Therefore, I changed the color scheme and added a couple of new features. However, this is still a work in progress.

badeklar Girograf

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